
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In their footsteps: Cahokia

By Analea Styles
Monks Mound Cahokia ancient site, ancient man

Long before Europeans ventured to North America, a great civilization had formed in the fertile bottomland of the Mississippi River from AD 700-1300. At their center, the metropolis at Cahokia flourished, rivaling the great cities of the world. The sophisticated culture boasted advanced astronomical knowledge, massive earthen mounds, and a population of 20,000 with an organized government[1]. The mystery of the decline and eventual abandonment of the city mirrors the vanishing Mayan civilization of Mexico.

In October 2011, the Ancient Man Team visited the Cahokia Mounds Historic Site in Collinsville, Illinois. Hours of research on websites, watching documentaries and reading beautifully illustrated books could not compare to the experience of walking in the footsteps of the ancient Mississippian people.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Easter Island: How did the Moai Move?

By Matthew Zuk

Partially buried Moai on Easter Island

As explained in the previous article; Easter Island: Statues of Mystery, the statues of Easter Island, called Moai, have baffled archaeologists. One of the chief mysteries that surrounds them is the question of how the inhabitants of the island moved the massive Moai. There are two primary theories that attempt to answer this question: the wooden sledge theory and the “walking” theory.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Easter Island: Statues of Mystery

By Matthew Zuk

Row of statues located on Easter Island
Press photo © 2000-2006 NewOpenWorld Foundation -

The statues located on Easter Island (Rapa Nui) have long been subjects of mystery.[1] Many questions have been asked ever since their discovery: What was their purpose? Why were they placed on the coast facing inland? How did the inhabitants move such massive stone statues?

With more questions than answers, the mystery only seems to deepen upon further study. One thing is clear; there are several key aspects about these statues that testify to the intelligence of the ancient people who created them.