
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Timelines and Perspectives: Defining our Terms and Checking our Bias

By Brian Mariani

In the study of Ancient Man, Creation vs Evolution, or any other controversial scientific or historical topic, terminology can be confusing and misleading. As we have mentioned before, presuppositions can also make these discussions unclear and hard to follow. 

In this 3-part series, we will discuss Naturalism and Biblical Creation, contrasting their beliefs, biases, and interpretations of evidence. This will make our position clear and defend the foundation of our point of view.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Puzzle Pieces: Dragons

By Analea Styles
dragons, China, Beijing, temple of heaven
Dragon sculptures on the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
Wikimedia Commons  
In the Genius of Ancient Man we talk about the various puzzle pieces that make up the “big picture” (Chapter 12). Many times the pieces aren’t recognizable at first or don’t seem to fit anywhere; but as we continue to study and learn, we widen our view and sometimes the pieces fall suddenly into place.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ancient Java: Exploring Commonalities and Counterfeits

By Tim Thornton

Bell-shaped Borobudur stupas ancient man
Bell-shaped stupas of Borobudur
Photo Credit: Sid Thornton
Along the equator in Southeast Asia is a vast archipelago of over 17,000 islands known today as the country of Indonesia. With the world's fourth largest population, Indonesia is home to hundreds of people groups and languages that have their roots in a variety of ancient cultures.[1]  The island of Java holds many antiquities that give us insight into the past of one such ancient culture.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Harappan Civilization: An Attempt at Unity and Peace

By Matthew Zuk

Harappan Mehenjo-Daro ancient city National Geographic
Mehenjo-Daro - photo by National Geographic

Located in the Indus Valley on the western border of India, the Harappan civilization is one of the largest ancient civilizations that has “flown under the radar” as very few people have heard of it. It existed around 2200-1900 BC and was primarily an agricultural and mercantile community, focusing on farm and trade.[1] This civilization has several aspects that set it apart from the other civilizations of its day such as:
  • Architecture
  • Unity
  • Religion
  • Burials
  • Relative peace

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


By Matthew Zuk

stonehenge, night sky, archeoastronomy, archeology, astronomy
Stonehenge and the heavens

There are many aspects of ancient man that display their incredible intellect and advancement. One of the most outstanding examples is their knowledge of the heavens and astronomy. The study of ancient astronomical achievements is known as “archaeoastronomy”.[1]