
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Reviewing "Noah": Bible-based Entertainment or Deceptive Heresy?

By Brian Mariani

Noah, Review, heresy, Bible, movie

Coming March 28th, acclaimed director Darren Aronofsky will share with the world his newest movie, entitled Noah, which is supposedly based on the biblical account of Noah. People are abuzz with anticipation, but WAIT! Be forewarned…there is a lot of controversy surrounding this new movie starring Russell Crowe as Noah, among numerous other all-star actors and actresses. Is this “biblically-based epic” really true to Scripture?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Modern Mystery

By Brian Mariani 

Coral Castle

We love mysteries. We can’t help it! God created man with the desire to learn and explore and discover His beautiful creation. Satan sometimes uses this characteristic of man to tempt us. Just like he offered knowledge to Eve in the Garden, sometimes our desire to “know” can lead us away from God instead of toward Him. However this doesn’t mean it is a sin to investigate mysteries, but we should always be wary of our motivations.