

What is The Genius of Ancient Man?

In our book, we use presuppositional apologetics to describe how God's word is the ultimate authority on all things. Specifically we explain that the intelligence of ancient man only fits in the context of the Biblical timeline. With the right "starting point" and biblical worldview, history comes alive with fascinating Bible-confirming truth.

For many Christians, trying to fit their Christian beliefs into a secular interpretation of history is complicated and jeopardizing to their faith, but it shouldn't be! We have found such encouragement in the study of ancient man because the evidence confirms the account of the Bible rather than contradicts it!

Satan has attempted to pervert and distort God's plan throughout history but even through the distortion, God's truth can be discerned. We hope to shed light on these distortions, point people to the truth and encourage believers to build their foundation on the authority of God's word.

Who are we?

Our general editor, Pastor Don Landis, headed up a team of alumni from Jackson Hole Bible College as they spent approximately two years researching, compiling, organizing, writing and editing the manuscript of The Genius of Ancient Man. This blog is maintained by members of that team, new and old (meet them here!). We desire to interact with our readers and continue to share what we are discovering. The research is never-ending and, Lord willing, we hope to continue learning more about history according to His timeline and getting that information out to the world.

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