
Blog Authors

The Genius of Ancient Man blog and other ancient man projects are made possible by the Ancient Man Team, a group of Jackson Hole Bible College alumni working together with Pastor Don Landis to dig deeper into the ancient world. They seek to use their research to present confirmation of the God's authoritative word and point others to the truth of Christ. On the blog you will see articles written by many different members of the team all using their gifts to glorify God in this ministry. Thanks for reading!

Meet the authors:

Matthew Zuk

Matthew Zuk is one of the Ancient Man blog administrators and editors and serves as the chief researcher for the Ancient Man Team. He is also currently serving as a teacher's aide at Jackson Hole Christian Academy. He grew up in upstate New York before moving to Russia as a missionary kid with his parents at eight years old. He moved back to America after nine years on the mission field and graduated from JHBC in 2013. His desire is to serve God and glorify Him in everything, keeping Christ and the Gospel as the focus (only by God’s grace). 

Analea Styles

Analea Styles is a freelance writer from Abbotsford, British Columbia. She grew up in Canada but attended Jackson Hole Bible College in Wyoming for their one-year Biblical Foundations program, graduating in 2011. She joined the Ancient Man Team as writer and editor of The Genius of Ancient Man and continues this work on the Ancient Man blog and ongoing projects. Analea earned a Certificate in New Media Journalism from Simon Fraser University in 2012 and is passionate about using her writing to bring glory to God.

Derrick Zuk

Derrick Zuk grew up in Franklin, New York until age 9 when his family moved to Russia as full-time missionaries. He was homeschooled, and therefore was able to pursue and develop his interests and skills with computers, graphic design, websites, and photography. 

Derrick attended Jackson Hole Bible College (JHBC) in 2010-2011 and graduated with a Biblical Foundations Diploma. JHBC hired him as Communications Specialist (IT/Media) in the summer of 2011, and is currently also an Assistant RA at the college. His goal is to continue growing and serving at JHBC and the local church.

He was a content editor for The Genius of Ancient Man, and currently serves as blog administrator and content editor for Ancient Man projects.

Timothy Thornton

Tim Thornton is the head men's RA at Jackson Hole Bible College where he earned his Biblical Foundations diploma for the 2011-2012 school year. Tim grew up in the country of Indonesia as a missionary kid, and he has been living in the United States for three years. He desires to bring God glory with the use of his gifts and abilities as a researcher, author, and editor for the blog and other Ancient Man projects. Tim wants others to come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and also to learn to love God and His authoritative Word.

Brian Mariani

Brian Mariani graduated from Illinois State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics Teaching and went on to teach high school science at a Christian school for two years. He also graduated from Jackson Hole Bible College with a Diploma of Biblical Foundations in 2010. He did research and writing for The Genius of Ancient Man.

Brian is now a Creation Evangelist working for Alpha Omega Institute. He and his wife, Aimee, travel across the country teaching groups and churches about God’s Creation, Ancient Man, Challenges to Evolution, and more.

Read more and connect with Brian and Aimee on Alpha Omega Institute’s blog: Discover Creation and at their personal blog: Adventures in Faith  

Also check out:
                  Alpha Omega Institute on Facebook
                  Alpha Omega Institute on Twitter @DscvrCreation
                  Amateur Creation Speakers on Facebook

Sarah Ann Rowen

Sarah Ann, a California native, attended Jackson Hole Bible College and graduated May 2013. She became interested in The Genius of Ancient Man Project during her year at JHBC. She is currently helping with managing the information database as well as writing the occasional blog post. 

Bethany Youngblood

Ancient civilizations have captivated this Florida native since she was little and the desire to learn more has never gone away. She served as a part of the Ancient Man research team during her year at Jackson Hole Bible College. After she graduated in 2012 she continued to show interest in the project and looks forward to helping with research and posting to the blog. Her desire is to write historical fiction highlighting the intelligence of ancient man, and to give God the glory through her life and work.

Danae Styles

Danae Styles grew up in Abbotsford, British Columbia, attending Jackson Hole Bible College for their 2012-2013 Biblical Foundations program. She joined the Ancient Man Team during her year at the college. She is excited about allowing God to use her gifts to reach people for His glory. She has returned to Canada to continue her education towards a degree in Biblical Counseling at Providence University College.

Jacob Brockmann

Jacob Brockmann is a 2012 alumnus of Jackson Hole Bible College. He worked on staff in the 2012-13 school year as Men's Assistant RA and in the IT department. He was administrative assistant to Pastor Don Landis and also did some coordination for the Ancient Man Project. He is currently attending Moody Bible Institute for pastoral ministry.