

To order your copy of The Genius of Ancient Man, you can visit Answers in Genesis, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Christian Book Distributors, and more online available for sale.  

We do, however, also want to make it available to purchase through the college.  In fact, we even have reserved copies that will be signed sent to you one for a donation of $50 or more. This is a great way to get the book and make a donation towards the ministry at JHBC at the same time.  The difference between the retail cost of the book and the amount given will be a tax deduction.

Purchase The Genius of Ancient Man
from Jackson Hole Bible College:
Single Copy
shipping included
Box of 10
shipping included
Signed Copy
$50 donation

Contact us for ordering:
Church Secretary: (307) 733-1941

Other Publications: 

The Ancient Man Team wrote a chapter about ancient man's intelligence in The New Answers Book 4! This book is full of relevant answers to questions people are asking today about creation and evolution, hot topics like climate change and genetically modified organisms, and detailed information about the Ark, DNA and the fossil record! It is an amazing new resource! Purchase your copy today!

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