
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ancient Man US Tour

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Call us: (307) - 739 - 8630
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Woodhenge Cahokia Mounds Historic Site
Woodhenge, Cahokia Mounds, Illinois
Imagine seeing the incredible testimony of ancient man's genius with your own eyes, walking among the vestiges of their incredible civilizations and marveling at the mystery surrounding them. Imagine exploring with fellow believers and being able to ask questions and learn about the truth of Biblical authority, having your faith strengthened and developing a strong defense for the history described in God's word.

Hands-on study!

We want to give you this experience! Jackson Hole Bible College and the Ancient Man Team are excited to invite you on the first Ancient Man US Tour. Without even leaving the United States, we want to give you the chance to dive deep into the true story of ancient man. The US hosts a vast treasure trove of evidence that points to ancient intelligence. From the great Monk's Mound at Cahokia Mounds State Park in Illinois to Poverty Point in Louisiana to the shell middens of Florida, the Bible-affirming evidence is unmistakeable.

Serpent mound, effigy mound, Ohio, ancient man
Great Serpent Mound, Ohio
Image Credit:
For this, our very first US Tour, the stops will include Cahokia Mounds State Park (read about the team's first visit to Cahokia) and the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio as well as the Creation Museum in Kentucky and also various sites in Washington, DC. The tour will also include presentations by Bodie Hodge (speaker, writer and researcher for Answers in Genesis) and Buddy Davis (speaker, writer, singer/songwriter, and paleo-artist with Answers in Genesis) as well as various talks by Don Landis (author and general editor of The Genius of Ancient Man) throughout the trip.

How does the tour work?

The tour begins on December 1 with a day in Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO and ends December 8th in Washington, DC. 

The trip will be a casual, caravan-style tour. The group will meet in Branson and travel among the various sites and stops until reaching our final destination, Washington (approximately 1150 miles). The team has put together suggested accommodations for each of the stops but travelers will have the freedom to choose where they would like to stay and be responsible for arriving to each of the sites at the scheduled time. 

Where are we going?

December 1 - Silver Dollar City - Branson, Missouri
December 2 - Cahokia Mounds State Park - Collinsville, Illinois
December 3/4 - Creation Museum - Petersburg, Kentucky
December 5 - Great Serpent Mound - Peebles, Ohio
December 6 - Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, US Capitol - Washington, DC
December 7 - National Archives, Smithsonian Museum - Washington, DC
December 8 - 10 am worship service before departure home

Interested in joining us?

To join the tour or for more detailed information please contact us:

(307) - 739 - 8630

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