By Brian Mariani
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In our last post (Ancient Aliens: Part One) we discussed the present day infatuation with aliens as well as the theories about alien visitations in ancient times. In this post we will focus more on the Biblical implications of these alien theories. Some might claim that just because the Bible doesn’t mention
aliens, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. But as we approach this topic, we
need to focus on what the Bible does
address. As Christians, when we are looking for answers, our first question
should be, “What does the Bible say?” Let’s look at what God tells us about the
spiritual world.
Aliens or UFOs in the Bible?
Many people try to identify spiritual events in Scripture as
possible accounts of UFOs. For instance, Elijah is carried up into heaven by a
chariot of fire in 2 Kings 2:11-12 and Ezekiel had some strange encounters that
sound like common UFO descriptions (Ezekiel 1). These miraculous spiritual
events show God’s all-powerful hand working throughout history. The Bible also
explains that Satan is one of the most powerful angels created, and that he can
reproduce miracles and mysterious powers that God Himself often uses (Ex 7-9, 1
Sam 28, 2 Kings 21:6, Dan 1-2, Acts 13, Matt 24:24). Remember though that God
is infinitely more powerful than Satan, though Satan is a great deceiver.
Spirits in the Form of Man
Rather than using the Bible to defend accounts of aliens,
perhaps the secular alien accounts (historical and present day) actually
confirm the biblical records. In Genesis 18:8, among other passages, we see
that angels can take the form of and behave like man (even eating!). There are
many myths all throughout the world that say the gods came down and cohabited
with mankind. Maybe there is truth within these myths? Perhaps these
“superhuman” creatures led to the idea of extraterrestrials? [i]
Credible secular ufologists like Jacques Vallee and J. Allen
Hynek have studied and claimed that extraterrestrials and UFOs are strongly
correlated with cults, religious movements, demons, angels, ghosts, and psychic
It could be that ancient interaction with the spiritual world (both angels and
demons) led to belief in alien life.
The Name of Jesus
More evidence supporting the idea that “aliens” could have some
connection to the spiritual world comes from the reported abductions and
encounters. Dr. Stephen Yulish is a PhD professor who formerly taught at the
University of Arizona in Tucson and was a researcher of UFOs beyond his academic pursuit of Astronomy and
Exobiology. He has written numerous articles about how using the name of
Jesus Christ has stopped alien abductions. This is another clue that points to
the fact that aliens might be demons in disguise, because we read that demons
shudder or tremble at the name of Jesus in James 2:19.[iii]
God’s Creation…on EARTH
Did you know that the word “earth” is used 20 times in
Genesis 1 alone?! God is very clear in the creation account that He made the
EARTH, then everything on the EARTH; man was given dominion over the earth and
to inhabit and fill the EARTH. The focus is on God, man on earth, and man
having dominion over the plants and animals on earth; nothing is even hinted at
about anything more beyond that.
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In Genesis 1:14-18, on DAY FOUR God
made the stars and celestial bodies to “separate night from day…and let them be
for signs and for seasons and for days and years…to give light on the earth” (emphasis added). Even the
creation of the rest of the universe is focused on and has a purpose for the
EARTH and the creation upon it.
How does this affect the Gospel?
Genesis 1:26-27 says that God made man after His own image. How
would salvation reach or translate to other races on other planets? Jesus left
His Godliness above to come humbly to the earth as a man and sacrificed Himself
as the God-man on Earth about 2000 years ago for the sins of all mankind. Would
God have to do this other times for other races?
Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle writes, “One might at first
suppose that Christ also visited their world, lived there, and died there as
well, but this is antibiblical. Christ died once for all
(1 Peter 3:18; Hebrews 9:27–28, Hebrews 10:10).”
Lisle continues by saying, “One might suppose that alien
beings have never sinned, in which case they would not need to be redeemed. But
then another problem emerges: they suffer the effects of sin, despite having
never sinned. Adam’s sin has affected all of creation— not just mankind. Romans
8:20–22 makes it clear that the entirety of creation suffers under the
bondage of corruption.” Lisle concludes that we cannot try to force this
“antibiblical notion into the Christian worldview.”
From a naturalistic point of view, life has evolved here on
Earth, and therefore the odds are that other races have evolved elsewhere in
the universe. This is why the idea of extraterrestrial life is fundamentally
“an evolutionary concept.”[iv]
True Perspective about Aliens
Many people seem to try to fill their inward desire for
something more (their desire for God) with the idea that there are others out
there. As Jason Lisle says, “The
truth is not “out there;” the truth is in there—in the Bible!”
Researcher David Laughlin says, “Man longs for peace, but
refuses to accept the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). He wants to see where he is
going, but ignores the Light of the world (John 8:12). Man spends millions of
dollars hoping to catch a few meaningful beeps from outer space, yet dismisses
the 'gift of God' (Romans 6:23), through which he can tap into God's infinite
wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; James 1:5).”[v]
the Bible we are consistently exhorted to remember God’s Word (Josh 1:13, Jude
1:7), to hide it in our hearts (Ps 119:11), and to take every thought captive
to Jesus Christ (2 Cor 10:5). It is in Jesus that we can do all things (Matt
19:26, Phil 4:13) and therefore we do not need to fear alien abductions, alien
warfare, and demonic and satanic possessions (Rom 8:38-39, Eph 6:12). We are
called to resist the devil (James 4:7) and be sober minded, meaning alert and
watchful because our “adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring
lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet 5:8). But remember that
God does not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able (1 Cor 10:13). We have
no need to fear when we walk in faith and confidence in God and His good grace
(Ps 23:4, Matt 28:20). In the name of Jesus Christ, we are saved and “can stand
against the wiles of the devil” (Eph 6:11).
Be sure to read Part One if you missed it!
[i] B.A.
Robinson, “Passages in the Bible about....Demons,” Ontario Consultants on
Religious Tolerance, December 1, 2001, accessed March 29, 2011,
[ii] Jacques
Vallee, Passport to Magonia: From
Folklore to Flying Saucers, (Washington, D.C.: H. Regnery Co, 1969).
Chuck Missler, “Return of the Nephilim,” Koininia
House, accessed April 4, 2011,
[iii] Stephen
Yulish, “Extraterrestrials Tremble at the Name of Jesus,” UFO Digest, March 29, 2007, accessed March 24, 2011,
Yulish, “Alien Abductions Stopped By the Name of Jesus Christ,” UFO Digest, January 13, 2009, accessed
March 24, 2011,
[iv] Jason
Lisle, The New Answers Book: Are ETs
and UFOs Real? December 6, 2007, accessed March 24, 2011,
[v] David
Laughlin, “Should we search for extraterrestrial intelligence?” Creation 18 (3): 14-16, June 1996,
accessed March 24, 2011,
Great article! going to pass it along!