
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Day That Changed Everything

By Matthew Zuk

A depiction of the birth of Christ

One of the greatest events in all of history occurred roughly two thousand years ago, in a small town called Bethlehem. The outcome of this event literally changed everything, for it is the event where God humbled Himself and took on the form of man. You may ask, why is this so significant? How did it change everything? How does it affect me? Well, read on and pray that God will open your eyes to realize how incredible the event of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection truly is.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Magi: Astronomers of the East

By Matthew Zuk

A depiction of the wise men

The wise men are in the group of people commonly featured in most Christmas nativity scenes. They can also be grouped into the intelligent ancient man category. They were skilled astronomers, and while we don’t really know much about them, they are an important example for us about the true focus of Christmas.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Traditions of Christmas

By Analea Styles
Christmas, tree, lights, Babylon, pagan

To begin this post, we want to be clear that we are not condemning Christmas or the classic Christmas traditions and symbols. This post is merely to inform and encourage you to think about what we truly celebrate during this season and why.

The Christmas holiday has been a beloved celebration for hundreds of years for many Christians. Many people believe that Christmas really began with the birth of Christ and is a purely Christian holiday but this is actually not the case. Here are a few examples of Christmas traditions that may have roots in ancient pagan practices.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Stone Canvas (Part 2)

By Bethany Youngblood

Now that you have been introduced to the concepts and purposes of ancient cave art (read Part 1 if you missed it!), we can begin our grand tour fully prepared to appreciate it. I’ve arranged what I consider to be the five most stunning works of ancient man’s artistic genius.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Stone Canvas (Part 1)

 By Bethany Youngblood

Chauvet Cave

Mention “cave art”, and you’ve introduced the image of charcoal scrawls and odd looking stick-men into your listener’s head. This realm of primitive man cannot possibly hold any of the beauty or finesse we associate with the term ‘art’, can it? What is more, even if the doodles could be recognized as man or beast, would they have any commonality with our art today? The answer is a resounding yes! The realm of ancient artwork is a vast landscape rich in a variety of styles and purposes. To serve as an introduction to this beautiful chapter of ancient man we want to take you on a little art tour. We will start by focusing in on that first misconception at the beginning of this paragraph: cave art.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Biographies of Ancient Man: Adam

By Analea Styles

In The Genius of Ancient Man we contrast two beliefs of human origins:

“The naturalistic, evolutionary model depicts the first humanoid beings as brutish creatures evolving out of slime, looking more like apes than humans. Their behavior would be only slightly more advanced than the rest of the animal world from which they were evolving…By going to the Word of God, Christians are able to refute this claim of primitive man with truth that coincides with the physical evidence.“[1]

We want to introduce you to some of the most ancient people of history, men and women created in the image of God, intelligent, creative, strategic and skilled. People whom God chose to tell us about in His perfect, authoritative Word.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ancient Exploration

By Matthew Zuk

Chinese Map of the World from AD 1418

Throughout The Genius of Ancient Man we mention that worldwide travel was around long before Columbus “discovered” the New World. However, the question remains: how many civilizations had the capability to travel worldwide?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pyramids: A Testimony of Similarity

By Analea Styles

Mentioned briefly in The Genius of Ancient Man, the islands of Tenerife and Mauritius harbor some of the most intriguing pyramid sites in the world. The mystery of these sites is not due to advanced megalithic construction (such as the Great Pyramid) or incredibly sophisticated technology (as seen in ancient nanotechnology), rather these two islands are fascinating due to their geographic locations and the similarities between the pyramids found there.

Mauritius Pyramid 3
Photo credit: Stephane Mussard

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Inca: Masters of Cyclopean Masonry

By Matthew Zuk

Machu Picchu

The Incan Empire (circa A.D. 1150 – 1550)[1] produced some of the most impressive architectural feats not only in South America, but also in the entire world. Many of these structures have proven to be inexplicable enigmas and no one knows for sure how on earth they were built!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gobekli Tepe: The Buried Temple

 By Bethany Youngblood
Gobekli Tepe 

The semi-deserts of southeastern Turkey seem very uninviting. Yet archaeologists flock there like the sheep that graze the valleys between the dusty plateaus, to feast their eyes on something that has changed their view of humanity’s advancement. A gently rounded hill rises above the surrounding landscape. What lies within this hill is what has attracted all the attention. A shepherd was the first to discover the top of a pillar jutting up out of the dirt and introduced the site to archaeological curiosity. But it was a German archaeologist named Klaus Schmidt in 1994 who ‘unveiled’ the incredible importance of this hill known as Gobekli Tepe. [1]

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ancient Aliens: Part Two

By Brian Mariani
In our last post (Ancient Aliens: Part One) we discussed the present day infatuation with aliens as well as the theories about alien visitations in ancient times. In this post we will focus more on the Biblical implications of these alien theories. Some might claim that just because the Bible doesn’t mention aliens, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. But as we approach this topic, we need to focus on what the Bible does address. As Christians, when we are looking for answers, our first question should be, “What does the Bible say?” Let’s look at what God tells us about the spiritual world.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ancient Aliens: Part One

By Brian Mariani
Who were they?
Why did they come?
What did they leave behind?
Where did they go?
Will they return?”

These questions whirl towards you, accompanied by an excitingly epic soundtrack, as the History Channel presents the Ancient Aliens TV series with convincing effects. And the audience drinks it in, willingly swallowing the information offered in the documentaries that “examine 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth”[i].

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Intelligence = Technology?

Hadza Tribe -

For many people, studying ancient man and his accomplishments can give rise to more questions than answers. For instance, ancient technology in architecture, art, transportation, agriculture, and even sanitation often baffles our modern minds. Such ancient technology clearly displays that ancient men were intelligent—just as we would expect from a biblical worldview. But other questions arise—maybe you as a reader have been asking them: Were there any ancient societies that did not possess advanced technology? If so, then were they still intelligent? And what about tribal people that live in remote areas of the earth? Are they intelligent? Is intelligence dependent upon technology?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gears from the Ancients

By Bethany Youngblood    
Byzantine sundial-cum-calendar

Gears and ancient man do not sound like two compatible subjects for a conversation. They just don't seem to mix within the mainstream view that ancient man lacked the intelligence to accomplish anything we see as modern or advanced.

But is it so out of proportion to think that the mathematical and mechanical knowledge necessary to construct something as common to us as a clock is limited only to our modern era? In reality this knowledge might simply be a rediscovered practice from our past. In other words, perhaps we forgot and have now relearned how to use this mathematical and mechanical knowledge.

Even inhabitants of the ancient world had to keep track of time. Don't you think they could have worked out ways to physically display it, like we do with our wristwatches today? Is it possible that they had actual mechanical devices to measure time, not just a sundial or an hourglass? There is fantastic evidence for just this, another marvel of ancient man's intelligence.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Gospel: The Greatest Message of all Time

By Matthew Zuk

Photo taken by Derrick Zuk - Design by Derrick Zuk

The Gospel is the core of history and the Bible, the entire Old Testament points forward to the cross and the New Testament points back to the cross. What Christ did for us in His death and resurrection is the focal point of time.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nan Madol: Another Site of Mystery

By Brian Mariani

David Astley:
Imagine a city built on the ocean and rising up high over the surface of the water. This was Nan Madol.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ancient Man US Tour Postponed

After much consultation with the Ancient Man Tour Planning Team and due to various concerns, it has been decided that the Ancient Man US Tour scheduled for December 1-8 will be postponed.

It was a hard decision to make but due to several issues (i.e. weather concerns, tight schedule times, and closed sites) we have decided to cancel. We hope, plan and pray to reschedule the trip for sometime in the future. We believe this tour will be very valuable and we know it will be worth the wait.

Please stay connected with us for more updates about the future of this exciting trip.

Feel free to like us on Facebook or email us ( with any questions.

Thanks for understanding and please be praying for us as we look into new dates and other changes for the trip. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Baffling Ancient Technology

By Matthew Zuk

The Lycurgus Chalice

Advanced technology is typically viewed as a modern phenomenon, something that Ancient Man did not possess. However, there are many mind-boggling pieces of ancient technology that prove the incredible intellect of ancient man and baffle modern man.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Puzzle Pieces: Ancient Flight

By Analea Styles

ancient flight, carving, ancient man, human flight, flying
Ancient carving depicting human flight?

In The Genius of Ancient Man we talk about the various puzzle pieces that make up the “big picture” (Chapter 12). Many times the pieces aren’t recognizable at first or don’t seem to fit anywhere; but as we continue to study and learn, we widen our view and sometimes the pieces fall suddenly into place.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Henges: Commonalities Across the Globe

By Sarah Ann Rowen
"Ales Stenar", Sweden's stone circle
Shrouded in mystery, henges have captured the attention of millions of people around the world. Whether one has a casual tourist-minded interest, a curious, investigative mind, or an intense desire to research and discover their purpose, these sites appeal to almost anyone.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Timelines and Perspectives: Timelines of History

By Brian Mariani

How many religions do you think there are there in the world? Millions? Thousands? Hundreds? A dozen?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Timelines and Perspectives: Contrasting Naturalism and Biblical Creation

By Brian Mariani

In the last post (Defining our Terms and Checking our Biases), we defined some terminology and explained that even in science, subjectivity, bias, and personal opinion are unavoidable. Now let’s look at some examples showing the radical effects of those different perspectives even when looking at the same data.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Timelines and Perspectives: Defining our Terms and Checking our Bias

By Brian Mariani

In the study of Ancient Man, Creation vs Evolution, or any other controversial scientific or historical topic, terminology can be confusing and misleading. As we have mentioned before, presuppositions can also make these discussions unclear and hard to follow. 

In this 3-part series, we will discuss Naturalism and Biblical Creation, contrasting their beliefs, biases, and interpretations of evidence. This will make our position clear and defend the foundation of our point of view.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Puzzle Pieces: Dragons

By Analea Styles
dragons, China, Beijing, temple of heaven
Dragon sculptures on the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
Wikimedia Commons  
In the Genius of Ancient Man we talk about the various puzzle pieces that make up the “big picture” (Chapter 12). Many times the pieces aren’t recognizable at first or don’t seem to fit anywhere; but as we continue to study and learn, we widen our view and sometimes the pieces fall suddenly into place.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ancient Java: Exploring Commonalities and Counterfeits

By Tim Thornton

Bell-shaped Borobudur stupas ancient man
Bell-shaped stupas of Borobudur
Photo Credit: Sid Thornton
Along the equator in Southeast Asia is a vast archipelago of over 17,000 islands known today as the country of Indonesia. With the world's fourth largest population, Indonesia is home to hundreds of people groups and languages that have their roots in a variety of ancient cultures.[1]  The island of Java holds many antiquities that give us insight into the past of one such ancient culture.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Harappan Civilization: An Attempt at Unity and Peace

By Matthew Zuk

Harappan Mehenjo-Daro ancient city National Geographic
Mehenjo-Daro - photo by National Geographic

Located in the Indus Valley on the western border of India, the Harappan civilization is one of the largest ancient civilizations that has “flown under the radar” as very few people have heard of it. It existed around 2200-1900 BC and was primarily an agricultural and mercantile community, focusing on farm and trade.[1] This civilization has several aspects that set it apart from the other civilizations of its day such as:
  • Architecture
  • Unity
  • Religion
  • Burials
  • Relative peace

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


By Matthew Zuk

stonehenge, night sky, archeoastronomy, archeology, astronomy
Stonehenge and the heavens

There are many aspects of ancient man that display their incredible intellect and advancement. One of the most outstanding examples is their knowledge of the heavens and astronomy. The study of ancient astronomical achievements is known as “archaeoastronomy”.[1]

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Puzzle Pieces: Giants

By Analea Styles
Jack giants beanstock legend, Jack the Giantslayer, golden goose
Art by Lindsey Bell

In the Genius of Ancient Man we talk about the various puzzle pieces that make up the "big picture" (Chapter 12). Many times the pieces aren’t recognizable at first or don’t seem to fit anywhere, but as we continue to study and learn, widening our view, sometimes the pieces fall suddenly into place.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Couldn't God Have Used Evolution to Create?

By Matthew Zuk

The Bible: Genesis 1

This is a question that is posed by many Theistic Evolutionists in today’s “Christian” culture. The answer to this question is derived from Scripture; God tells us how He created everything and therefore to pose this question is to doubt His inerrant Word and more than that His perfect nature. There are two primary reasons why God did not, and could not, use evolution and millions of years to create.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Response to Persecution

By Don Landis

Persecution comes in many forms, but at its central core it is the rejection of God and the resulting attack on those who follow Christ and claim He is the supreme Lord and the only way to salvation. Persecution has been growing more prevalent in recent years, however in order to understand the persecution of today we will first consider the persecution that has taken place in the past.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Great Pyramid: Enigma of the Ancient World

By Matthew Zuk

The Pyramids of Giza (Great Pyramid on right)

The Great Pyramid is among the most famous structures in the world and it is the most famous megalithic structure in history.[1] It is located in the city of Giza (next to Cairo) in Egypt. The exact date of its construction is unknown, though it was most likely built during or shortly after the dispersion at Babel. Due to its incredibly advanced design there is a great deal of mystery surrounding its origin and purpose.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Interactive Ancient Man Map

This map parallels the map found in the book: "The Genius of Ancient Man" on pages 64-65. This map presents only an overview of the distribution of ancient monuments and sites that prove the ancient peoples that built them were very intelligent.

Zoom in, move around and enjoy looking at ancient man sites around the world!

View Worldwide Ancient Man Monuments in a larger map

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Puzzle Pieces: the Chinese Language

By Analea Styles

In The Genius of Ancient Man we talk about the different puzzle pieces that make up the big picture story. Lots of times, the pieces aren’t recognizable at first or don’t seem to fit but as we continue to study and learn, and widen our view, suddenly the pieces fall into place.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Foundation of "The Genius of Ancient Man"

JHBC Jackson Hole Bible College campus
Jackson Hole Bible College Campus

First of all, we’d like to thank all of our readers of The Genius of Ancient Man and this blog. We’ve been on quite the adventure over the past three years and we’ve been so blessed to watch God spread our book around the nation and use it for His purposes. 

Hearing all the positive reviews from our readers, how Genius has impacted and influenced people in some way is mind-blowing. We are praising God continually for using us in this way to spread His truth and we are excited about the different opportunities that are opening to us as time goes on.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Minoans: Rejection of the Creator

By Matthew Zuk

Palace of Knossos - Photo by Ken Zuk

As seen in our previous articles, the Minoans are among the most advanced ancient civilizations ever discovered. Yet they also experienced one of the most cataclysmic collapses in history. This article deals with the biblical reasons as to why they experienced such a destructive demise.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Demise of the Minoan Civilization

By Matthew Zuk

Volcanoes, tsunami’s, earthquakes, the cataclysmic events that led to the downfall of the Minoan civilization sound similar to something out of an ancient legend. However, in the past ten to fifteen years an abundance of evidence has been discovered that has solved some of the mystery surrounding this amazing civilization, and its fascinating downfall.

As stated in our previous article on the Minoan Civilization, the Minoans are among the most advanced ancient civilizations ever uncovered, and were established around 200 years after the dispersion from Babel. The Minoan civilization dominated the Mediterranean area (based primarily on Crete) for its entire existence. From its origin around 2200 BC,[1] until the start of its fall around 1600 BC,[2] the Minoans were the powerhouse of the sea.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Genius of Ancient Man—A Defense of God and His Word

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15 NKJV)

In this post we answer a few questions people have asked us about The Genius of Ancient Man. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the book, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or write to us at 

Why did you write the Genius of Ancient Man?

The purpose of The Genius of Ancient Man is to confirm the truth of the Bible by presenting evidence that early man was intelligent. We recognize that Satan’s counterfeits can draw people away from God, and the devil has been in the business of undermining God’s Word from the beginning (Genesis 3:1). We hope to bolster Christians’ faith by helping them see that His Word can be trusted.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Minoan Civilization: Proof of Advanced Nature

By Matthew Zuk

Palace of Knossos - Photo by Ken Zuk

The Minoan civilization is one of the most advanced ancient civilizations ever discovered. They are by far the most advanced discovered thus far in Europe (only La Bastida comes close). They were primarily located on the island of Crete. The technological advancements of their structures are at least a thousand years ahead of their time. It is believed that their civilization rose around 2200 BC, not long after the dispersion at Babel. They reached the pinnacle of their power from 1900 to roughly 1400 BC, when they disappeared extremely rapidly (reasons for their demise will be explained in a future blog post). During their time they were the powerhouse of the Mediterranean Sea, and among the most powerful civilizations of the ancient world.[1]

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ancient Man US Tour

Register to join us today!

Call us: (307) - 739 - 8630
Or email us:

Woodhenge Cahokia Mounds Historic Site
Woodhenge, Cahokia Mounds, Illinois
Imagine seeing the incredible testimony of ancient man's genius with your own eyes, walking among the vestiges of their incredible civilizations and marveling at the mystery surrounding them. Imagine exploring with fellow believers and being able to ask questions and learn about the truth of Biblical authority, having your faith strengthened and developing a strong defense for the history described in God's word.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Heaven's Counterfeited!

By Danae Styles

Flammarion Woodcut depicting a flat earth with a curious traveller peaking out into the world beyond. 

The night sky has captured the hearts and minds of mankind since the beginning of time. It is great and unknown, challenging human intellect and imagination. Perhaps this is because “the heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1-2 emphasis added). That glory is a beautiful mystery to man; he desires to know it and understand it. And so the he lifts his eyes to the night sky and ponders...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

La Bastida: Europe’s Most Formidable City

 By Matthew Zuk

Artist's depiction of La Bastida

La Bastida, recently discovered, is among the oldest cities found in Europe.[1] The city is one of the most noteworthy ancient sites found in recent years and is incredible proof of ancient man’s highly advanced and developed society. Archaeologists have discovered many characteristics of the city that lend significance to this site including the military aspect of the fortress, the incredible architectural achievements, and its location and influences.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Babel is Not Gone

By Jacob Brockmann

Artist's concept of the tower of Babel

We recognize many commonalities between the religious and cultural systems of ancient people, but what significance does that have to us today?

We can see the influence of Satan's counterfeit throughout the world of long ago, and this can be a powerful demonstration of the influence that Babel (also called Babylon) has had in our culture. But what kind of Babylonian influence would we find if we looked around ourselves now?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Cruising" through Mayan Ruins

By Caleb Berumez

Setting Out

On the morning of December 5th, 2010, fifty-five individuals from all over the United States left a hotel in Miami and headed down to the dock where they boarded a ship bound for the Yucatan Peninsula.  The first Jackson Hole Bible College Ancient Man Cruise was underway.

Pastor Don Landis of Community Bible Church opened our first full day of sailing with a morning chapel service.  It was quickly decided that, while beautiful, the Skylight Chapel on the highest deck amplified the motion of the ship.  The conference room we had been provided with (near the center of the ship) was set as our future meeting room for subsequent chapels.

Later that morning and in the afternoon, Pastor Don and Mike McCurdy gave lectures on the research that was being compiled by the Ancient Man Project.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In their footsteps: Cahokia

By Analea Styles
Monks Mound Cahokia ancient site, ancient man

Long before Europeans ventured to North America, a great civilization had formed in the fertile bottomland of the Mississippi River from AD 700-1300. At their center, the metropolis at Cahokia flourished, rivaling the great cities of the world. The sophisticated culture boasted advanced astronomical knowledge, massive earthen mounds, and a population of 20,000 with an organized government[1]. The mystery of the decline and eventual abandonment of the city mirrors the vanishing Mayan civilization of Mexico.

In October 2011, the Ancient Man Team visited the Cahokia Mounds Historic Site in Collinsville, Illinois. Hours of research on websites, watching documentaries and reading beautifully illustrated books could not compare to the experience of walking in the footsteps of the ancient Mississippian people.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Easter Island: How did the Moai Move?

By Matthew Zuk

Partially buried Moai on Easter Island

As explained in the previous article; Easter Island: Statues of Mystery, the statues of Easter Island, called Moai, have baffled archaeologists. One of the chief mysteries that surrounds them is the question of how the inhabitants of the island moved the massive Moai. There are two primary theories that attempt to answer this question: the wooden sledge theory and the “walking” theory.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Easter Island: Statues of Mystery

By Matthew Zuk

Row of statues located on Easter Island
Press photo © 2000-2006 NewOpenWorld Foundation -

The statues located on Easter Island (Rapa Nui) have long been subjects of mystery.[1] Many questions have been asked ever since their discovery: What was their purpose? Why were they placed on the coast facing inland? How did the inhabitants move such massive stone statues?

With more questions than answers, the mystery only seems to deepen upon further study. One thing is clear; there are several key aspects about these statues that testify to the intelligence of the ancient people who created them.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Gospel in the Stars?

By Analea Styles

In our article The Heavens Declare we present from Scripture how God created the stars with a plan and a purpose. He counts them and names them.  And because God never says or names anything without meaning, their names must have a purpose that ultimately brings Him glory.

What was/is this purpose? There are some who say God wrote the gospel in the stars and their constellations as a witness to all mankind from the beginning of time. This is our defense for the possibility of this theory.