
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spread the word about JHBC!

Hello readers! We're taking a break from the usual research article this week and taking the opportunity to promote Jackson Hole Bible College. Check out our new video, and share with others!

Our one-year intensive program is geared towards discipleship and worldview training. The nine months students spend here will impact them for eternity!
“There isn’t a day I don’t use something I learned at JHBC. Not a day. Class of ’00. Thank you all so much.” Meaghan Newell
We are dedicated to presenting the “big picture” schematic of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, our courses teach apologetic principles that will cultivate a strong Biblical worldview in students. Our curriculum is based in creationism, dispensationalism, and biblical inerrancy. We stand unwaveringly on the authority of the Word of God and aim to provide students with a high view of Scripture and the ability to apply its truth to their lives.

Students at JHBC will experience a modular “single-subject-in-sequence” teaching format with most courses taught in 15-20 hours over a single week. This enables Bible scholars from around the nation to participate in bringing the highest quality education to our students. Our program is packed with a variety of courses from hermeneutics to evangelism, Old Testament history to philosophy, geology to prophecy. Students also study outside of the classroom as they travel around the western United States studying evidence of creation and geology through Biblical lenses.

One year at Jackson Hole Bible College gives students more than just a Biblical education. At JHBC we are dedicated to truth that is not only learned, but also lived. We pray that the foundational values we teach would having a lasting impact in the way students live; that bringing glory to God would be their highest calling as they continue to seek His direction for their lives.

Please share this great opportunity with your local church! Let us know if you are interested in passing out brochures and promo DVDs, we'd love to provide them for you!

Visit our website or call (307) 739-8630 for more information.

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